Home – The Land Is Ours, UK Land Reform Campaign

The Land Is Ours campaigns peacefully for access to the land, its resources, and the decision-making processes affecting them, for everyone, irrespective of age, race, or gender

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2024 Land Is Ours Campaign To Abolish Eviction

with manifesto by Who Owns Britain? author and ex-Sunday Times Rich List journalist Kevin Cahill –

Secure shelter is SUPPOSED, under Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to be a right, yet the housing bubble means more and more of us are being made landless and the right to shelter is being ERODED. If landlords were no longer able to evict tenants, the housing bubble would burst!

2024 campaigns: Right To RoamAcorn: Resist Eviction

1880s success of Davitt and Parnell’s Irish Land League

2023 Monkton Wyld Court campaign nr Lyme Regis

Oh yes, and we also challenge the whole idea of land ‘ownership’

Click here to open [download right click] single sheet double sided A4 TLIO leaflet dated July 2022 as a printable PDF

We want to see:

Provision of suitable free sites for gypsies and travellers, the right to squat disused homes/land

Protection of boaters’ rights, with river & canal bank allotments, fair mooring & licence fees

An end to the sell-off of public land to private developers and speculators

The Tory government is trying to criminalise travellers



The law to criminalise trespass affects everyone and is severely discriminatory against GRT folk. Follow for updates on action, info and things to do in Bristol in particular!

Feb 2021: Guardian’s Rob Evans exposing King Charles’ abuse of power to hide his personal wealth through inheritance tax exemption, secret landholdings and political influence

UK Farming: UK Agricultural Support post-Brexit/post-CAP – “Environmental Land Management Scheme” (ELMS).

Sep 2018 Summer Camp presentations & discussions: Simon Fairlie, Kevin Cahill & James Armstrong


Kevin’s books on land ownership draw on his research into hidden landholdings and the Crown Estate for The Sunday Times

1995-2004 – The Land Is Ours ‘glorious decade’ of UK land rights actions

We opposed the 2016 Tory plans to privatise the Land Registry and turn it into another boondoggle for racketeers

Chapter7 HomeChapter 7 give planning advice to people seeking to/or already embarking upon living on the land, engaged in land-based livelihoods.

Tony Gosling’s TLIO Email List: The publicly archived Diggers350 email list began in the run-up to the 1999 occupation of St. George’s Hill in Surrey, hosted on yahoogroups. Yahoo stopped providing the service in 2020. – You can have a look at the archive here and join by sending a blank email to diggers350-subscribe@gn.apc.org or entering your email address here on the Diggers 350 info page.

Past Tense have produced a little pamphlet about the 1649-50 ‘True Levellers’ (popularly called the Diggers)

Separate from TLIO, Who Owns England? is an Investigation project being conducted by Guy Shrubsole and Anna Powell-Smith attempting to display major landowners in England, combining public data with Freedom of Information requests. To follow the investigation and help fill in the gaps, visit the Who Owns England? blog.
Who Owns Scotland? is a project that maps and makes available information on who owns land in Scotland together with maps showing the boundaries of landholdings.

Another arm of The Land is Ours’ body of ongoing discourse is the Legacy of Colonialism Forum

Here’s a snippet from the homepage to it: “…the British Empire was simply an extension abroad of the exploitation of the British people by royalty and the privileged few which had been going on in England systematically since the time of William the Conqueror. Furthermore, there was the colonial power’s imposition of models of enclosure upon countries of the South ie. sociological/cultural trends in the North’s historic development in terms of the systematic policy of kicking people off commonly managed lands to build up a mass of “rent seekers” combined with other factors such as the systems suite of business innovations (double-entry accounting, fractional reserve banking, the joint-stock company, etc.) to advance the capitalist system’s ability to capture value and systematize wealth extraction”

7 thoughts on “Home – The Land Is Ours, UK Land Reform Campaign”

  1. Nice one this is great and so needed right now. So much diversion. Tony did you get the podcast sorted? We have a barrister now we need PR person?

  2. I would so like 10 of that splendid postcard ‘DIG IN for VICTORY’
    by Trystan Mitchel Kings Hill
    can so help?

  3. You may want to look into the Order of the Knights of the Garter – their members were / are very influential. The ‘Garter’ reference is enigmatic and the official narrative explanations just don’t stack-up.

    See the following link for an alternative view of this group:



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