Newsletter 19

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Newsletter No. 19

Your Call, My Lords!

Rural Futures Launch

BZS dayschool: Sustainable Land Use

Narmada Go-ahead

Ilusu Dam campaign

Legacy of Colonialism Campaign


Newsletter 19

The Land Is Ours – Newsletters Archive




The Land is Ours Newsletter

Issue 19 – Winter 2000
This newsletter is @nticopyright – (feel free to use information as part of the wider free real news distribution network).





YOUR CALL, MY LORDS! – with absolutely no vested interest you understand, of course?


On Wednesday 1st November, The House of Lords began the Report Stage into The Countryside and Rights of Way Bill, with a total of 560 amendments tabled. Many of the amendments have been tabled by a small number of Conservative Lords, led by Earl Peel. They can be seen as “wrecking amendments” – amendments designed to either restrict access or prevent the bill from becoming law. Nonsensical unworkable amendments relating to the rights of way and access parts of the Bill designed to sabotage it’s progress have included a ban on gluesniffing on the land! Slowing down the progress of the bill has been a real threat since there has been a legislative backlog. The threat has been that the bill will not have enough time to make it through the Lords before the next Queens’ Speech (likely to be the last of this parliament). More serious amendments have been tabled, designed to restrict the kinds of land available to ramblers, as well as prevent rambling by night, (with the argument being that night access would make landowners susceptible to criminal activity, as well as a danger to the public, & the effect on wildlife ..etc). Landowners had also been seeking requirements on rights to compensation for landowners. The main concern has been throughout that Conservative Peers would – at some stage – vote to reject the bill overall. The sheer number of trivial amendments tabled by a small number of Conservative Peers suggested that they did not intend to pass the bill. However the mainstream Conservative attitude to the bill has been positive about the wildlife protection provisions, with a constructive approach to improving the bill and the ultimate aim of ensuring it becomes law. This attitude has been reflected by the support given to the new Government amendment placing statutory duty on public bodies to introduce & implement Biodiversity Action Plans.


Access to the Open Countryside


Among the more sensible amendments that have been agreed to be added to the bill, an amendment was proposed by Lord Glentoran for there to be ACCESS LAND MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES (ALMS) in place by each local authority/access authority (see over). Under the Bill there was no duty on an access authority to make sure that the restrictions, privileges, access or various instruments contained in the legislation are carried out (for example, by employing wardens or producing by-laws). Under the new amendment, ALMS would be put in place so that local authorities are responsible for regularly undertaking reviews to determine the success of their application (i.e. by meeting the expectations of land managers, users and the environment). This was proposed as a practical tool to parallel strategic planning and review work to be undertaken in relation to rights of way. TLIO Fact-sheet …Did you know how a bill becomes law in this arcane system that we call government? After this Report stage in the Lords is finalised, the bill will be re-introduced to the House of Commons, for further approval with new amendments. After passage through the Commons, Bills go through the same process again in the House of Lords. The process in the Lords is the same as in the Commons, except for a couple of differences: the Committee is usually of the whole House; and amendments can be tabled at Third Reading.

Lords amendments:


If a Bill is unamended in the Lords it goes straight for Royal Assent (given in Norman French – `La Reine le veult’). If there are amendments in the Lords it has to go back to the Commons, but then the Commons can only discuss and amend Lords amendments (nothing else). If the Commons disagree with Lords amendments they send the Bill back to the Lords and ask them to reconsider. This is how Bills can go back and forth. If the Lords refuse to back down, the Commons can pass the Bill again in the next Session and invoke the Parliament Act 1911 to overrule the Lords and seek Royal Assent. The Bill is now an Act of Parliament and becomes law. Magic! For more detailed information: Find out more about the Countryside and Rights of Way Bill House of Commons Information Office Factsheets can be downloaded from: If you’re still itching to find out more about how a bill becomes law, then look at the following website for an A to Z of Parliament at: sh/ukpolitics/az of par] iament/default.stm



Although the office is valued as a contact point, with the pressure of TLIO’s financial situation and the recognition that with limited human resources to complete admin tasks, relinquishing the office would free-up time being used administering premises, TLIO’s core group have decided to devolve work amongst people within the network. For enquiries, The Land Is Ours’ e-mail address will still be, for the time being:, The tel. number will no longer be operational as from the end of November, 2000. Post can still be sent to the Oxford address at: 16b Cherwell Street, Oxford OX4-1 BG. For planning enquiries and for merchandise, contact Chapter 7, see contact details on back page.


New Rural Coalition Launched

With the Rural White Paper due out this month, The Land is Ours has played a key role in an important new initiative which aims to widen and deepen the rural debate. Rural Futures is a new coalition which draws together a wide range of groups who share a common concern that a wider and deeper debate about the sustainable future of rural Britain has been lost. The coalition includes Friends of the Earth, Young Farmers, National Trust, Soil Association, NFWI, International Society for Ecology and Culture, Small and Family Farms Alliance and RSPB. Their combined membership totals over 4 million people from both urban and rural Britain. Rural Futures has identified the need for a fresh and integrated approach to the complex range of issues affecting the countryside. The coalition has no particular political agenda, but rather seeks to encourage debate across the political divide and throughout society about the real issues affecting rural Britain. Launching just ahead of two key Government documents affecting England , the Urban White Paper and the Rural White Paper, Rural Futures is concerned that the debate on the future of rural Britain has not really begun to properly address the deep and diffcult questions that lie at the root of Britain’s rural malaise. The debate should also involve people across the UK. As a first step towards encouraging a deeper debate, Rural Futures has created a gateway to debate on the net at .

To start the debate, Rural Futures has agreed a list of seven key statements (available on the website) and some key questions to form the basis for debate, including: What is the countryside for? ? Who is the countryside for and who is responsible for its well being? 0 Britain to remain a seriously capable foodproducing nation? 0 How can rural Britain be protected against the negative impacts of global economic forces? Please join us in this important debate by visiting or if you do not have internet access please drop a line to Rural Futures, PO Box 26, KNIGHTON, LD8 2WB with your comments or if you would like more details on our agenda and questions.



Britain Zimbabwe Society DaySchool for producers, activists & researchers on: “Sustainable Land Use” 30th September

TLIO made contributions to work shops at this event, aimed at creating information exchange between producers, activists and researchers around issues of sustainability, how the world trading system (& the World Trade Organisation) impacts upon community livelihoods in the North & the South, and fostering practical partnerships between land users, food producers, land-use training programmes, schools and lobbyists. Workshops included : Rural Communities and employment – how do we use the land to provide livelihoods? (featuring Ben Law of Prickly Nut Wood & Simon Fairlie of Chapter7/TLIO, drawing on his knowledge of living at Tinkers Bubble & planning). Other workshops included: “the WTO, CAP & the globalisation of agriculture”, and “Land Belonging : Who does the land belong to?” A great day was had by all, including great food from the Zimbabwe culinary delights at lunch-time, and Zimbabwean live music in the pub in the evening. Well done to Diana & Laura!!!!

Quotes of the day: From the day’s event dossier
1.) “Many Third World Countries have already been hurt by structural adjustment agreements. In exchange for renegotiating the debt, the IMF & World Bank forced them to open their borders to imports, among other things. That meant the dumping of Northern food surpluses & cheap food, undercutting their local farmers. What the WTO rules would additionally do is raise th ose agreements to the level of treaty law, making it a violation of international law for a country to impose any kind of protection on its agricultural sector. I believe that every country, in order to have national security, has to have the most important dietary elements for it’s population produced within it’s borders. But under WTO rules, you would not be able to maintain policies to guarantee that..” – extract from a conversation between Multinational Monitor & Institute for Food & Development Policy, distributed by Africa Policy Information Centre (APIC).
2.) “…belonging to the land is about how we feel we belong to life”, from participant in the workshop on `Land Belonging’.

Access and Land rights conference


A one day conference on Access and Land Rights is being held           at the University of Reading on March 28th 2001.

The Land Is Ours Summer Gathering


(due to have been on the weekend of 18th & 20th August in Yorkshire) was unfortunately cancelled. This is because, in the worst possible timing, the owners of the farm that were due to host the Gathering pulled out at the last minute. Apologies if any of you out there had changed your plans to keep this weekend free. Plans are being mooted for a Land Is Ours gathering for some date next Spring. Keep your ear close to the ground for more information.

TLIO Education Group


The TLIO Education group is currently working to complete existing projects and develop new ones. These will form part of a wide-ranging initiative being given the title “Common Knowledge”. The group will meet roughly once a month, the next meeting scheduled for Sunday 21st January 2001 in London. To get involved, contact Lilia on 01865 439-788 or Jaffa on 07909 973300. Part of our ongoing work will be to build a TLIO archive of photo’s, videotape and sound recordings ..etc. APPEAL FOR HELP: Please send in any good stuff you have from past actions (we will return materials after copying them if you wish). Another ongoing project will be the compilation of songs, poems and literature on the issues of landrights, environmentalism …etc). If you know of a good song, poem or book, let us know about it (e-mail suggestions to : ). Ideally, we will in the fixture produce recordings of spoken word & music (even send us titles of good songs from rock, pop, blues, whoever …).


Here’s an activist Top 10 to get you started
1. Don’t fence me in. John Denver
2. This Land Is Our Land. Woody Guthrie
3. The Rush & the P ush & the Land Is Ours. The Smiths
4. Break on Through. The Doors 5. One World. John Martyn
6. Me & the Farmer. The Housemartins
7. The Land Is Ours. The Headmix Collective 8. Roam if you want to. The Bangles
9. Battle of the Beanfield. The Levellers
10. These boots are made for walking. Nancy Sinatra



Rural Controversies in Historical Perspective. This conference, held at the Rural History Centre, University of Reading, on 18th September, aimed to set the current multifaceted rural crisis in a longer historical perspective. Speakers included Marion Shoard on the centuries-old struggle against trespass and Alun Howkins on how a particular, `southern’ version of rural England had come to dominate perceptions of the English landscape. Other speakers included Philip Conford (the interwar organic movement) and Paul Brassley (government and animal diseases). One of the main points to emerge from the conference was that the present crisis is far from unprecedented; indeed it is part of along disruption in the relationship between town and country dating back to the industrial revolution. Several speakers argued that ruthless economic exploitation of rural resources and an idealizing aesthetic of rural England were in fact two sides of the same alienated urban coin.

Gargoyle Wharf:


The decision by Wandsworth Council’s planning Committee to grant planning permission for Rialto Homes’ 5 six-storey tower blocks was ratified at full Council meet on 11th October. GW Action Group have now lodged a further application for judicial review proceedings at the High Court, based on the inadequacy of design detail in Planning & Design statement in relation to EIA regulations.

Inspirational Touring Slideshow Offered


Low Impact Dwellings in Britain A Slideshow: This slideshow and talk takes you on a tour of places around Britain, where families or communities have built their own unique eco dwellings and are creating a sustainable lifestyle on the land. It looks at a variety of structures, from yurts to strawbale houses to earthsheltered homes. It tells the stories of these places, and what experiences they have had with planners. It describes the `15 criteria for sustainable development’ as a possible way through these challenges. Overall, it is an inspiring and informative show. If you would like to host it for your local group, please contact: Selena, c/o 43 Anson Rd, London, N7 OAR or


Chapter 7 – the Planning Office of The Land Is Ours

e-mail and web details: Chapter 7 is a UK organisation which campaigns to provide access to land for all households through environmentally sound planning.

Chapter7 News


Chapter 7’s newsletter comes out 3 times a year.
? The Next Chapter 7 newsletter will have a special feature on the planning situation of people and communities trying to live on their land, such as:
? King’ s Hill bender site in Somerset has received permanent planning permission for 16 low-impact residential shelters in a woodland garden setting
? The Steward Community Woodland in Devon has been refused planning permission for a low-impact residential community
? Tony Wrench’s turf roofed roundhouse at Brithdir Mawr in Pembrokeshire is up for review by the Welsh Assembly
? The Carbeth Hutters in Scotland are getting together to buy their land from their feudal landlord ….
? plus policy information on the Rural White paper, new low impact local policies, women’s issues in planning, squatter’s advice, urban planning issues, and more…
Ne wsletter subscription (per annum): £5 (waged) £3 (unwaged) + a donation of £ . Send cheque with your address and contact details to Chapter 7, The Potato Store, Flaxdrayton Farm, South Petherton, Somerset TA13.

Chapter 7 lobbies for:
? Firmer guidance on what distinguishes a sustainable development from an unsustainable one; 0 Policies which permit low impact and sustainable developments and/or exclude unsustainable developments.
? The safeguarding of some urban land for sustainable lowprofit use, including affordable housing, workshop space and yards, markets, independent shops, public transport facilities, allotments, community projects and gardens.
? Planning policies and procedures which cater for the special needs of self-built homes and workplaces and the community provision of facilities.
? Strengthening the public’s right to appeal against major development proposals.
? Bringing major agricultural activities within the planning system.
Chapter 7 presses for these measures, by publishing reports and newsletters; responding to Government consultation papers; lobbying decision-makers and local councils and providing a planning consultancy service for low impact developments. Our first major project was the report `Defining Rural Sustainability: 15 Criteria for Sustainable Developments in the Countryside toge ther with Three Model Policies for Local Plans’, published in February 1998. A subsequent project will be a briefing pack explaining how members of the public can influence the development plan process in their area.

EC rules no-Crystal Palace Multiplex without EIA


Plans to build the hugely opposed Cinema Multiplex in Crystal Palace Park – the scene of an 11 month occupation by protestors in 1998/9 – have spectacularly, and quite rightly, hit a last-ditch snag with the announcement that European Union Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) legislation was not properly implemented. In a serious legal reverse the European Commission (EC) in Brussels has taken a formal decision against the UK Government and the London Borough of Bromley which could perhaps halt the project altogether. The EC, acting after its own Ili years’ investigation of a detailed complaint by the Crystal Palace Campaign, has sent a letter of formal notice to the UK government concerning Bromley’s failure to require that the multiplex developer conduct a prior EIA. This is required by European Directive, and is binding in UK law. Experts construe this as a double whammy against Bromley Council and multiplex developer London & Regional Properties Ltd. The notice finds that there appeared to be “considerabl e flaws” in the environmental consultants’ report on which Bromley relied when deciding that there was no need for an EIA prior to any grant of planning permission in 1998. The Commission’s action constitutes a rebuke not only to Bromley: – It concerns deputy Prime Minister John Prescott who as Secretary of State for the Environment in 1998 declined to call in the project and gave the goahead without first asking that the required EIA be carried out; – It directly challenges Mr Justice Jackson who last April, in dismissing local single mother Diane Barker’s High Court action for judicial review of Bromley’s failure to conduct an EIA, stated that “there does not appear to me any conflict with provisions of the European Directive”. It is understood Ms Barker is currently waiting for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal; The original occupation which ended in March 1999 and whipped up much local opposition, was the longest eviction in British history, and ended up costing £1 million. It appears that if Bromley Council did not get the message then, it appears our comrades have certainly had the last word now! Great stuff! Campaign contact: Telephone/Fax: 020 8670 8486 E-mail:

Doncaster Police Enquiry in to Corrupt Planning Decisions


September saw the appearance in court of 12 people variou sly charged with corruptly influencing planning applications in return for financial gain, seeking to influence, receiving payments, aiding and abetting corruption, and false accounting. The 12 include former Doncaster planning chair Peter Birks, who is alleged to have received a farm as a gift; former deputy council leader Ray Stockhill, alleged to have received payments; and current Tory leader John Dainty, for financial irregularities. Comment: Please be assured that Doncaster is no worse than all the other councils in the land and politics do not play a part. The only reason why Doncaster has been exposed is that there appears to be a whistleblower connection with the Prime Minister’s wife. from




After a six-year stay on construction, on 17th October, the Supreme Court of India ruled that work on the Narmada Dam should continue (one of the three judges actually gave a dissenting judgement against further construction). This will result in the flooding of massive areas of fertile agricultural land and villages on the Nimad plains, as well as drowning thousands of indigenous tribal families out of their homes – the only means of livelihood for an estimated 400,000 indigenous tribal people and farmers. People in 248 villages living on 20,000 hectares will have to move on to a measly 400 hectares. Medha Patkar of Narmada Bachao Andolan said of the Supreme Court’s verdict, “the Narmada Tribunal part of the government’s own query reported that further construction can go ahead only after the complete rehabilitation of the presently displaced people, yet the court says something totally different”.

Key Facts about Dams in India
? India is second only to China in terms of population (one billion) and dam building, with 4 291 dams.
? Irrigation is the primary or only function of 96% of the dams, yet 63% of total irrigation potential created was through minor irrigation programmes (i.e. those not involving large dams). Large-scale projects built between 1951-97 accounted for about 11% of the growth in food production, as food production grew four-fold to 200 million tonnes, (two-thirds of the increase coming from irrigated land). 4.2% were built for hydropower generation. Estimates of the number of people displaced by large dams in India range from 21-40 million.
? Progress toward a national resettlement policy is slow. The decision-making process is fraught with arbitrariness, a lack of participation by those negatively affected, ignorance of non-dam alternatives, and no recourse for displaced persons unhappy with rehabilitation programmes. On 31st October, UK campaigners held solidarity demonstrations at the Indian High Commission, immediately after a rally at Parliament Square against the Hisu Dam in Turkey took place.

The CAMPAIGN against the ILISU DAM


About the Ilisu Dam:
? The dam will force 25,000 people from their homes. Another 11,000 people will lose their farmlands and livelihoods. Most of them are ethnic Kurds. Many see the project as part of a wider strategy of ethnic cleansing.
? The dam will flood the medieval town of Hasankeyf, a treasure trove of archeological remains dating back 10,000 years and the historical jewel in the crown of Kurdish culture. Hasankeyf has survived nine major civilisations, stretching from the Assyrians through to the Ottomans, but 10,000 years of history is set to be sacrificed for a development with a 40 year life-span.
? The dam will destroy the surrounding environment. 300 sq km’s of land are to be flooded behind the Ilisu dam. Filling the reservoir will take at least half the annual flow of the River Tigris before it reaches into Syria and Iraq. Turkey has refused to support the 1997 UN Convention on the Non-Navigational Uses of Transboundary Waterways.
? Turkey dumps untreated sewage straight into the Tigris. The Ili su Dam will only lead to a worsening of the pollution. The upstream reservoir will introduce waterborne diseases such as malaria to the region.
? Were Turkey to address large inefficiencies in its supply distribution system, this one measure alone would recover as much power as GAP is expected to deliver.
? Even the World Bank, with it’s poor record, refuses to support the project on environmental grounds! Contact: Ilisu Dam Campaign, Box 210, 266 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7DL phone: 01865 200550 email: Web:

Legacy-of-Colonialism campaign


The campaign’s official line is as follows; “…to raise the issue of whether present institutions/multinationals with a slavetrading past should take responsibility for past exploitation, by wiping-out current forms of exploitation & providing compensation for self-determination on the widest possible scale”. (No mean feat! …but we gotta say what we believe, haven’t we!) The Land Is Ours have been attempting to canvass feedback from indigenous groups around the world, as well as groups in the UK. In short, the idea is to form a network between activists, researchers & grassroot development workers. Contact (Tel.No on back-page).  The e-mail discussion group (Le is now up & running, on which subscribers from around the world are sharing information and perspectives. A latest development is that a link has been made with another campaign that has just been launched in London by the AFRICAN LIBERATION SUPPORT CAMPAIGN called “IMF & World Bank: Wanted for Fraud Campaign!”, expressing the idea that debt is no more than a measurement of the banking system’s magical generation of money. Contact: (ALISC), PO Box 21266, London W9-3YR

Brazilians say “no” to Debt & IMF


In Brazil a national plebiscite on External Debt, held in September, rejected the government’s agreement with the IMF and its commitment to full debt repayment at whatever cost. More than five million men and women took part in the voluntary plebiscite, organized by civil society, involving 100,000 volunteers from churches, social movements, political parties, professional associations and government bodies. More than 90 per cent of voters responded “No” to the three questions asked:
? should the Brazilian government maintin the present agreement with the International Monetary Fund?
? should Brazil go on paying the external debt without holding a public audit, as called for by the 1988 Constitution?
? should the federal, state and municipal governme nts go on using a large part of the public budget to pay the internal debt to speculators? “The Plebiscite represents a “Yes” to a different model of economy, one of whose fundamental values is to promote life” commented the organizers, who were encouraged at their success in raising public awareness and debate despite attacks from the federal government. “They do not want society to debate these matters, because they know that from the debate alternatives will arise” they added. “… The Plebiscite made it clear that indebtedness is not a technical matter to be debated exclusively by the theoreticians of economics and finance.” The organizers are now pressing for an Audit of the Debt and an Official Plebiscite.

Conference Review : Smart Tax & Urban Renewal


Henry George Conference Bournemouth, 3rd 5th Nov. Highlights included Dave Wetzel’s talk at the workshop on `Land Value & Property Law’ (D.Wetzel being vice-chair of Transport for London), who talked about Land Value Taxation (LVT) being “an essential tool for transition to green cities”. He cited the effect of the Jubilee Line investment where land values in local vicinity of 5 stations increased by £6fi billion. Thus, gains to landowners, but if LVT in operation, windfall redistribution to the community? (Ed: “…well, maybe!”) Also, mention ed LVT needing to be linked to planning system & sustainability criteria (…goood). Also, Joshua Vincent (Exec Director, Centre for Study of Economics, Washington DC), talked at the workshop on `Planning & Urban Economics’ about the significant upturn in income in previously rundown areas from LVT introduction. Boost to local authority revenues, can facilitate more provision of affordable housing (Ed: “…again, we have to say, well maybe!”) Vincent cited the fact that Ralph Nadar was the only candidate in the US elections to support LVT. Note : er, The Land Is Ours do not officially have a policy on Land Value Taxation. Only, for the record, severe misgivings about LVT are bandied about by those involved in the network. This is because, it is felt, any taxation on a resource like land will encourage greater expropriation of productive value from the resource & environmental degradation, as taxation is involved in a trade-off with productivity. More so, in an agricultural setting, where a push for greater yield to cover costs reflects this trade-off.

Captive State – Book Review


Captive State uncovers the systematic takeover of the British government by big business. Among other shocking stories, it shows how big developers now control planning policy, how the superstores have taken over the food chain, how the oi l and pharmaceutical companies are capturing the universities and how hospitals and schools are being cleverly and subtly privatised. It’s the first book to document the corruption at the heart of New Labour’s Britain. Captive State: the corporate takeover of Britain, out now by George Monbiot, is published by Macmillan, £12.99



Sunday 26th November at 6.OOpm IMF & WORLD BANK : WANTED FOR FRAUD CAMPAIGN LAUNCH, Initiated by African Liberation Support Campaign (ALISC) Venue: Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London WC1, (nearest tube : Holborn on the Piccadilly/Central lines)

Friday 1st December: SEMINAR ON EIA’s: 10.30am – 4pm: European Parliament Building 2 Queen Anne’s Gate, London SW1H 9AA (Nearest tube station is St James Park, Circle Line). Organised by Green MEP for London Jean Lambert. For more information please e-mail or call Lydia Howitt on : Tel 020 7233 4007 (in office Thursdays and Fridays from 11.15am to 5.15pm), E-mail:

6 December, 2 – 6pm, LOBBY FOR A RENEWED UNITED NATIONS FOR PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT Sangster Room, Westminster Central Hall (opposite WestminsterAbbey) for briefing and speeches by Barry Coates (World Development Movement), Caroline Lucas MEP(Gree n Party), Bruce Kent, and Malcolm Harper (United Nations Association) 7pm Meet in House of Commons, Central Lobby. Lobby packs available (donation towards costs welcome) from Lobby Coalition, c% Action for UN Renewal, 3 Whitehall Court, London SW1A 2EL. Tel 01273 476358.

Thursday 14th December, 7pm-to-11pm “SUITS & SAVAGES” – A NEW FILM BY CONSCIOUS CINEMA: Buffet hosted by The Gandhi Foundation (discussion & mingling). Christmas Get-together at Kingsley Hall, Powis Road, (off Bruce Road), Bromley-by-Bow, London E3. For more info. TEL 020 8981-8409. How to get there: District line & Docklands Light Railway, Bow Church Station.

Nov-to-Dec 2000; TEACH-INS ON `EXPOSING THE MYTH OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMY’ Tour jointly organised by the World Development Movement, Friends of the Earth and People and Planet. These are ticket only events, and priority will be given to members of the sponsoring organisations, but there should be plenty of room, phone Amanda Brace at Friends of the Earth on 020 7490 1555 ext 1426 for further details and tickets. Dates and venues are as follows:

25th November Birmingham University 2nd December Manchester University 20th January Exeter University 3rd February Cardiff University 17th February Sussex University, Brighton 3rd March UEA, Norwich 17th March Nottingham University TBC June London


5th-to-7th Jan. 2001: MAPUCHE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN LONDON (Venue unconfirmed). For more info, e-mail:


space for news-picture





Newsletter Number:
                    Your Call, My Lords!
                    Rural Futures Launch
                    BZS dayschool: Sustainable Land Use
                    Narmada Go-ahead
                    Ilusu Dam campaign
                    Legacy of Colonialism Campaign

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