No Open Cast!
This page is a list of most prominent campaigns that have sprung up around the British Isles in regard to fighting the menace that is open cast mining.
- Residents Against Ffos y Fran, Merthyr Tydfil (Website not working):
- Longstone Edge, Peak District: SUCCESS! On 6/6/2016, the Secretary of State upheld the Prohibition Order made by the Peak District National Park Authority to prevent the quarrying of minerals or depositing mineral waste over an area of 138 hectares, including Backdale Quarry and nearby Wagers Flat.
- Huntingdon Lane Protest Camp is a protest camp at Huntington Lane near Wellington in Shropshire, which has been protecting woodland in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) against the ravages of UK Coal since March 2010 and preventing the building of a road which would give access to a second area for opencast mining. - Minorca Open Cast Protest Group (against the Minorca Surface Mine in NW Leicestershire).
Link Not Working:
Recent news report:
Other info:
- History of struggle against Open Cast Mining and environmental protest movement’s links with working class communities in coal-mining areas [source: Do-or-Die, Issue 7 (1997)]:
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