was http://www.tlio.org.uk/International_Peasantry
Land-based direct-action Social Movements/International Peasantry/International Social Movements
Land-based direct-action Social Movements/International Peasantry with website identities:
La Via Campesina : International Peasant Movement: http://viacampesina.org/main_en/
Reclaim the Fields – (an informal educational & exchange network promoting food sovereignty & peasant agriculture, particularly amongst young people and urban dwellers, linked with Via Campesina): http://www.reclaimthefields.org/content/who-we-are
in India:
Naxalite/Maoist uprising: http://maoistresistance.blogspot.com/ (disclaimer: we do not condone some of the violence which Maoist groups have claimed responsibility for over the past few years across India. tlio, 25/05/2011).
in Latin America:
Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas – CAOI (Coordination of Andean Indigenous Organisations) – part of the Global Minga (MOVIMIENTO INDIGENA): http://www.minkandina.org/
Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) – Brazil’s Landless Rural Workers’ Struggle: http://www.mstbrazil.org
in South Africa:
Landless People’s Movement: http://www.abahlali.org/taxonomy/term/1127
South African Right-to-Housing Social Movements:
Abahlali baseMjondolo – shack-dwellers’ movement: http://www.abahlali.org/
International Direct-Action Social Movements:
(posted 25/05/2011): The “Spanish Revolution” (Ref: http://acampadabcn.wordpress.com/ ) already spread to a number of European cities: http://www.democraciarealya.es/?page_id=580
Peoples’ Global Action – a global alliance of anticapitalist struggle, resistance & solidarity: http://www.nadir.org/nadir/initiativ/agp/
in Latin America:
Enlazando Alternativas (in English ‘Linking Alternatives’ – namely the name given to alternative summits of Latin American Social Movements in opposition to global summits between the political and economical leaders of Latin America nations, the Caribbean countries & the European Union): http://www.enlazandoalternativas.org/
Enlazando Alternativas – Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblas (Tribunal into corporations in Latin America – eg in the water, mining and public service sectors) :