Mass Trespass to protect AONB near Crawley, Sussex, Saturday 24 September 2022

Mass Trespass on Saturday September 24th, 10am – 3pm, Worth Forest, Sussex, organised by Landscapes of Freedom & Right to Roam.
Please note – this event was originally advertised for Sat 17 September but date was changed due to rail strike (which we of course support).
The next in the summer of trespasses, making the call for the Right to Roam louder, and echoing widely, whilst protesting Center Parcs’ gross plans for their next faux-forest holiday town. 900 lodges, car parks & roads to match, tropical (?!?) swimming pool, retail outlets, restaurants, infrastructure, habitat destruction on a grand scale dressed up as a family-favourite-forest-fun. In a forest…

Here’s our new 4.5 minute film ‘SAVE OLDHOUSE WARREN’

You don’t need to sign up on eventbrite, that’s just a tool. Email & meet point will be announced a few days before.
For now, for advanced travel prep, aim for Balcombe station 9.30ish, where minibuses will be on hand. Other journeys are available…..
Wear forest finery if you choose! and any folk dancers or minstrels who fancy joining, please get in touch, most welcome.