“The Land Is Ours campaigns peacefully for access to the land, its resources, and the decision-making processes affecting them, for everyone, irrespective of age, race, or gender.”
We want to see
- Provision of suitable free sites for gypsies and travellers, the right to squat disused homes/land
- Protection of boaters’ rights, with river & canal bank allotments, fair mooring & licence fees
- No more public land sold to private speculators
- All social and private rented housing to include a secure tenancy, offering better if terminated
- Enough government-built quality public housing to accommodate the entire population
- All new homes, including flats, to incorporate at least a 10 pole allotment immediately adjacent
- Maintain, extend and enforce rights of way
- Openness about land owned by the monarchy, an end to crown immunity & FOI exemptions
- A ‘Use It Or Lose It’ programme where empty buildings are forfeit or put on a tax escalator, where the owner can lose title after one year
- Confiscation of suitable sections of the largest feudal/commercial estates for public settlement
- GM crops, industrial agriculture & mega-farms banned. Tenant farmers given loans to buy & build. A new, mandatory public land registry.
- Open access to land managed by charities such as The National Trust and English Heritage
- Taxation of luxuries, not necessities; adequate resources for government to house people
- Publicly owned nationalised infrastructure such as water, gas, NHS, electricity, banking and railways. With services provided at or near cost
Click here to download or open TLIO leaflet PDF (July 2022)
Our three main aims are:
•Land for Homes
•Land for Livelihoods
•Land for Life
You can subscribe or donate to The Land Is Ours here
Or make a one off donation to The Land Is Ours here
In order to achieve this we will
- Take non-violent direct action to contest land ownership and use peaceful civil disobedience to support local campaigns
- Hold conferences & commission expert reports
- Retain a Parliamentary land rights lobby group to draw up parliamentary bills and legislation to bring about universal access to land
- Lobby to enforce Article 25: 1, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Establishing minimum secure legal standards for life. ‘Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood, in circumstances beyond his control.’ 25, UDHR
- Study history to promote traditional secure forms of tenure such as Scottish crofting, collective land management and common rights
- Foster co-operative businesses to provide ethical land-based employment & volunteer experience
- Promote and develop links and exchange programmes with land rights groups in other countries where equivalent movements exist such as Brazil and Indonesia
Origins of The Land Is Ours in 1995
The Land Is Ours was originally set up in 1995 by writer George Monbiot to campaign for what we do want, rather than against what we don’t 🙂
People are assets, not liabilities
We want to move away from an ever-increasing dependence on money for food and other essentials, toward providing all life’s essentials for free, like water still is in the Irish republic. In principle no one should have to pay for anything which is theirs by right under Article 25 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights.
Land banking and speculation
While some of us are desperate to get on the unaffordable housing ladder, other individuals & companies own so much land they don’t know what to do with it. The stock market bubble has made land a safer investment, for those who have no intention of ever using it.
A sense of history
Enclosure had a devastating impact on Victorian society producing cheap labour for the industrial revolution. But landlessness and destitution for millions is back today with robotic mega-cartels taking our jobs & post-2008 bailout ‘austerity’.
Land is a free gift to mankind, so landed gentry like the Dukes of Westminster & Buccleuch should not be ‘owners’, but custodians of their vast estates. The Diggers, Chartists, Highland Crofters, Irish Land League & the British Isles’ other freedom fighter visionaries inspire us to roll back enclosure, the most unjust privatisation of them all, until everybody has a secure home.
Contact us
Phone: +44 (0)7786 952037 – email: info@tlio.org.uk
Comment on our website – www.tlio.org.uk
Snailmail: TLIO, PRSC 17-25 Jamaica St, Bristol BS2 8JP.
Annual subscription is £30, for which you get a snailmail spring newsletter, invitation to talks & convergences, and added to our information sharing and action alert email list.
To subscribe please fill out this form and post to TLIO, c/o PRSC, 17-25 Jamaica Street, Bristol BS2 8JP. along with either a £30.00 cheque/PO made out to ‘The Land Is Ours’ or write with SAE requesting our standing order form.
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Phone(s) ________________________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________________________
What you think our campaign should focus on________________________
Yr experience/personal interest/skills/expertise
Please print out and mail to
Tony Gosling, TLIO, PRSC, 17-25 Jamaica St, Bristol BS2 8JP
Or email to info@tlio.org.uk
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