Past Campaigns

Past TLIO campaigns and actions:

1995-2004 – The Land Is Ours ‘glorious decade’ of UK land rights actions (dedicated page)

  • The Wandsworth Action web-pages…   In May 1996, 500 The Land is Ours activists occupied 13 acres of derelict land on the banks of the River Thames in Wandsworth, highlighting the appalling misuse of urban land, the lack of provision of affordable housing and the deterioration of the urban environment….
  • The Holtsfield Campaign web-pages  In March 1997 residents from Holtsfield on the Gower peninsula, South Wales, undertook an epic 250-mile march to the House of Lords in London for a legal judgment which they hoped would mark the end of an eight-year battle to save their self-built chalet community…
  • Diggers 350 re-occupation of St Georges Hill On Saturday 3rd April 1999, 300 activists marched to St George’s Hill, Weybridge, Surrey to erect a memorial stone to The Diggers, 350 years after the initial occupation of this once common land…
  • Robert Kett – The Rebels Return – July 1999  On 10 July 1999 The Land Is Ours set up camp in the grounds of the old NHS hospital at Drayton, Norwichclaiming the hospital as common land and marking the 450th anniversary of Kett’s rebellion against enclosure of common land….
  • Campaign to prevent the demolition of Tony Wrench’s Roundhouse  in Pembrokeshire National Park, during the Easter Weekend 8 -13 April, 2004


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