The UK’s 50 biggest landowners revealed –

7 thoughts on “The UK’s 50 biggest landowners revealed –”

  1. this information is incorrect because no one actually owns the land in the UK its just a long term lease from the crown, the crown owns all land even if youve bought and paid off your mortgage on your house ,you dont own the land its built on the crown does and that now is king charles

  2. My 5th great grandfather was a freehold land owner and voted in 1763 poll of the knights of the shire in Essex. We simply own small homes these days.

    While I personally find all forms of economic Marxism abhorrent and its history proves its evil failure on a grand scale, there must be a better path than the one the west is on now which I see as a hybrid “feudal / socialist” bureaucratic tyranny.

    It seems to me that private land ownership, individual rights, a small government that protects the life, rights, and land of individuals, produces the most freedom & prosperity. So if you really want to reset capitalism as “Davos” suggests then why not give everyone an equal share of land so that little to no land is owned by the State or the elites. If it means first seizing foreign owned land and high born land then so be it. You would not be the first country to do so. You may also wish to abolish all debt and taxes owed. Then start fresh with Capitalism along with a safety net to protect those least able to help themselves. The Israelites of the Old Testament called a similar idea the “Year of Jubilee”.

  3. ‘In the public good’. Wouldn’t it be reasonable, to give legal rights to everyone, to be able to live rent-free, in whatever home object they could afford to create/buy for themselves; so that they could determine for themselves, their own level of investment in the home that they could sustainably afford (at any given period of their lives)- flexibly – (without debts which would further disadvantage their own self-determined future)? This would put downward pressure on the policy of multiple property ‘to rent’ portfolios and be likely to encourage investment in the real economy, rather than properties which restricts the correct level of supply to others at sensible market prices.

  4. In law the Queen is the only owner of the UK as it is the reigning monarch’s feudal hereditament, everyone else has an estate in her land, freehold or leasehold. It is in the gift of Parliament to deprive her (but still remain Head of State) of that feudal hereditament and nationalise the UK for the nation (NOT the State); to whom those who wish to exercise exclusive occupation would pay ground rent to legitimise their exclusive occupation. The basis of the monarch’s ownership is founded on coercion and murder on a grand scale which would debar the instigator, in an equitable society, from legitimately passing it on to their heirs. The fact that the monarch is the sole owner would allow a straightforward transfer of the UK to its people. A precedent was set in the ECHR in 1985 George Monbiot (UK C21st) related the following in an article; ’The Leasehold Reform Act 1967 gave leaseholders the right to buy the leasehold of the houses they had lived in for more than 21yrs at the prices prevailing [at the time of their original occupation]. In 1980 the Duke of Westminster protested at the European Court of Human Rights that he was being deprived of his property against his will by being forced by law to sell at prices well below [current] market values. In 1985 the European Court of Human Rights ruled that compulsory transfer from one individual to another might constitute a legitimate means of promoting the public interest. The enhancement of social justice within the community could properly be described as being in the public interest’ [ECHR Protocols Article 1 – Every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law] – a political definition of the public good prevailed over the rights of [disobligated] private property. This should give some encouragement to any legislators who wish to engage in a quest for a law that would extinguish the feudal nature of landholding in the UK and replace it with a territory annexed for its citizens and held in trust for them by the British State..

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